Osteopathy is a form of manual therapy for the treatment of muscle, joint and back pain. Craniosacral therapy may relieve tension or stress and can treat infant reflux, feeding and sleep difficulties and skull asymmetry.
Osteopathy can treat
Musculoskeletal Pain: back and neck pain, upper and lower limb pain, headache, postural issues, tendonitis, frozen shoulder and sport injuries
Neurologic: dizziness/vertigo, head trauma, post-concussion syndrome, headaches, chronic sinus and ear infections
Autonomic nervous system disorders: stress, anxiety, fatigue, sleeping disorder, burnout, whiplash, post traumatic stress disorder
Digestive issues such as pain and bloating and constipation, genitourinary pelvic pain, stress incontinence
Pediatric: colic, reflux, sleep disorders, sucking issues, skull shape disorders, autism, sensory integration issues, developmental delay, cerebral palsy
Dental: orthodontic issues such as temporomandibular joint dysfunction
Why be treated by an osteopath?
Our lives are becoming increasingly busy, stressful and sedentary. Osteopaths can offer prevention advice such as stretching exercises, lifting techniques, posture, breathing and stress reduction techniques. Early intervention by an Osteopath means you can be aware of potential causes of pain and injuries and you can make changes to your lifestyle now, preventing pain, time off work and inactivity.
Osteopathy can also improve total body health by positively affecting the body’s nervous system.